Trauma Therapy for Women

trauma therapy austin, texas

Did Your Childhood Hurt?

Trauma is defined as a deeply distressing or disturbing experience. Traumatic experiences can range from the small single-incident to being long-term, repetitive, and complex.

Childhood abuse and trauma is particularly difficult and can continue to have significant impact for women and men into adult life. Did you experience any one or more of the following in your childhood?

  • Emotional abuse
  • Emotional neglect
  • Physical neglect
  • Physical abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Family violence

Working with a counselor who is trained in trauma therapy can help you navigate the emotions, self-doubt, and questions you may have about your childhood experience.

So Many Feelings and Emotions to Sort Through

You are not alone if you have had any of the following experiences as an adult survivor of childhood abuse:

  • Intrusive memories about your childhood at unexpected times
  • Sometimes ruminating about what happened in your childhood and the inability to “let it go”
  • Difficulty trusting
  • Overreacting to minor stressors
  • Underlying feeling of anger
  • Feelings of shame or guilt about what happened to you
  • Mood swings
  • Feeling overwhelmed with feelings and emotions at times, resulting in “wanting to run away,” or “wanting to fight back.”
  • At times feeling you are detached from yourself  
Trauma therapy for women - austin, texas - janie mcmahan counseling

Women who have had difficult childhoods are often successful, educated, nurturing mothers, supportive wives, wonderful friends, and appear to have a life that many would envy. However, underneath the seemingly “happy life,” there is often the fear that someone will discover what has happened to you and will think less of you. Women can sometimes feel that in some way they were responsible for what happened to them in childhood, and feel embarrassment, guilt, or shame as a result.

Unfortunately, childhood abuse happens too often. Statistics indicate:

  • 1 in 10 children will be maltreated
  • 1 in 16 children will be sexually abused
  • 1 in 10 children will witness family violence
  • Girls are slightly more likely to be abused than boys

Difficult Childhood Events Impact Your Life as an Adult

The truth is, childhood trauma can still affect you even as an adult. Women and men who were abused as children tend to have more health concerns as adults, such as allergies, asthma, bronchitis, high blood pressure, ulcers, and gastrointestinal disorders. Childhood abuse is also associated with anxiety disorders, panic disorders, dissociative disorders, and depression. Women and men who have been abused as children are more likely to abuse alcohol and drugs, or have other behavioral addictions.

Women and men who are survivors of childhood abuse may also find that they have more problematic relationships in their adult lives. Women may struggle with being completely vulnerable with their spouse or partner, fearing that being completely trusting will open a door to being hurt again. Intimacy may be an ongoing struggle, as well.

When the Difficult Memories Won’t Go Away

Trauma therapy with a trained and experienced therapist is an effective way for women to explore feelings and emotions about childhood abuse, and how it prevents you from living your life to the fullest.

Trauma therapy for women - janie mcmahan counseling - janie mcmahan counseling

I offer women and men a safe environment to talk about a difficult topic. You will find that I am fully present, a good listener, compassionate, and caring as you take as you take the time you need to fully disclose your experience and the extent of your pain. I tailor your trauma therapy to your circumstances and need. I will help you with strategies to regulate emotions, gently explore the challenges you have experienced in your life as a result of your childhood abuse, and provide the safety and confidentiality for you to talk about things that you may have never told anyone before.

I’m Sure You Have More Questions

“How can trauma therapy and talking about bad things that happened to me so long ago be helpful now?”

Women tend to keep silent about their abuse histories. You may have asked yourself:  “All that was in the past. Why dredge it up now?” or, “I just want to forget about it all. Talking about it will just bring it all up again and I don’t want to feel bad.” Telling your story to a counselor who is experienced and trained in trauma therapy is one of the most important things you can do to process your feelings and emotions. When you tell your story in a safe environment, it will begin to lose its power, which will allow emotional healing to begin.

“Trauma therapy sounds like it will take a lot of time. How long will I have to see you and how much will it cost?”

When you see a therapist, you are making an investment in yourself. Often, women who have had the experience of childhood trauma take care of everyone else before thinking of themselves. This is a first step in your self-care and emotional health and well-being. I set appointments for my clients on a weekly or bi-weekly schedule. At your first appointment we will discuss your goals for your therapy, come up with a schedule that will work for you, and address any financial concerns you might have.

“There are so many therapists in Austin. How do I know you are the right counselor for me?”

My post-graduate work includes extensive training providing trauma therapy to clients who have a history of trauma. My goal is to help you live a self-assured and empowered life, despite the things that happened to you in childhood. My post-graduate clinical classes include trauma therapy training in working with women and men with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), complex trauma, anxiety and panic disorders, and dissociative disorders.

The therapeutic relationship between a therapist and client is an important aspect of successful therapy. I strongly believe that you must feel comfortable and at-ease with your therapist. That’s why I offer you the opportunity to meet me in my office for a free, no obligation 30-minute consultation appointment. You can meet me, ask me questions, and decide if I am a good fit for you.

All traumatic events have lasting impact, regardless of the survivor’s age. Childhood trauma is especially difficult because of the survivor’s innocence and dependence on others to care for them. If you have experienced childhood abuse and want to find more peace within yourself and feel more self-confident and empowered, call me today.


More questions? 

Call me today at 512-739-2494 to schedule a consultation and appointment or click here to have us contact you.